The pixel tree is made up of 1000 RGB pixels attached to pixel strip to keep them all straight and spaced properly. The strips are attached to a plastic ring at the top mounted to an iron pipe at the 12 foot height. The pipe is two sections with one at 10 foot and the second at 4 foot with a coupler between. At the bottom is 1/2 inch pvc in a half circle that the excess pixel strip wraps around. There are 4 guy wires just above the coupler that attach with a simple pipe clamp. The star mounts with two pipe brackets to keep it straight and simple twist ties.
1090 RGB pixels
20 lengths of pixel strips (
Each strand is 50 lights with two strands connected at the top (lights go up one and back down the next)
Mega Tree Topper (
ChromaStar (
Falcon Controller (